Referral Process
McKinley-ALC Referral Process
The following forms are to be completed by school personnel from the student’s home school:
- Grad Letter – lists the credits left to earn and commits student’s home school to issue the diploma upon completion and receipt of necessary credits from ALC.
- Referral Form – outlines important information needed by ALC staff to develop an individualized program for the student.
- Continual Learning Plan – is required by the State of Minnesota for all ALC students and describes instructional goals to be addressed.
- ALC Registration– this form should be completed by parent/guardian of the student wishing to attend any of ALC programs.
- State Wide Enrollment Options Form – this form is to be filled out by the parent/guardian of a non-resident student (only enclosed in non-district referral packets).
All forms must be complete in order for the referral to be accepted.
The Referral Packet must also include a Transcript, Discipline Report, Attendance Report and Immunization Record before the referral will be considered. When applicable, please include an IEP, ER and Behavior Plan.
When the Area Learning Center receives the referral packet, a placement unit will review the information and determine whether the student may enroll under the High School Graduation Incentives Program and determine which program is appropriate.
**If the student has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), see McKinley Referral Process flowchart.
Please either email, fax (320-529-4327) or mail the completed referral packet to:
McKinley Area Learning Center
216 8th Ave N
Waite Park, MN 56387
If you have questions or seek further clarification, please feel free to contact us at 320-203-8470.
Very Sincerely,
William Sininger, Principal
Richard Chakolis, Assistant Principal